Network for Change

Network for Change, which started in January 2022, aims to reduce the harmful impact of armed conflict on civilians by assisting local community leaders, practitioners, and policymakers working towards violence reduction and prevention (“stakeholders”) in better anticipating, rather than reacting to, changes in conflict, and thus better tailor their responses to them. To do so, we will transform the knowledge base established by the AHRC/ESRC funded project The Changing Character of Conflict Platform into the vibrant and sustainable Network for Change.

Focusing on the armed conflicts in Myanmar and the Horn of Africa, we will prepare briefs, creative and engaging tools based on web-based interactive visualisations, and a Synthesis of Good Practices. Our partners, the Danish Demining Group, International Alert, and the UN System Staff College are well positioned to disseminate these outputs and share guidance on how to replicate and expand the Network across regions, as they are working in areas of conflict, violence, and insecurity across the globe.

network for change
















We acknowledge the financial support of the Arts & Humanities Research Council and the Economic & Social Research Council through the Partnership for Conflict, Crime & Security Research.
